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The Infantry soldier is the backbone of the military service. It is important for all those interested in reenacting as riflemen to study WWII drill, commands, formation, and period tactics.


Tactics changed through the course of the war and varied depending on which front a soldier was assigned.


The German mindset regarded offensive tactics as the most effective strategy to achieve success. The element of surprise, aggressiveness,  and a well disciplined soldier were critical elements to successful operations.  

     Role of the SS Rifleman


  • provides direct fire support


  • operates under low-casualty conditions


  • advances under proper cover fire


  • dangerous assault would only be directed at valuable targets


  • follow pioneer troops or heavy artillery if the opposition is not sufficiently weakened before proceeding


  • as a last resort run through enemy fire if overwhelmed by close-range enemy soldiers of equal or greater numbers


  • reconnaissance team scouts to find and observe the enemy, traveling in low man count squads

SS German Infantry


The SS Infantry soldier fought under sever and varying conditions

throughout the war.


The variances in location, season, and seasoning of the troops forced

the infantry to proceed in different unit formations depending on the

current circumstances.


Some of the most important factors the infantry had to consider when deciding on which formation would result in the best tactical advantage are below:






Availability of Supplies


Confidence in Intelligence


Establishment of Communication


Absence of Vehicles


Availability of Artillery


Fitness and health of the soldiers


Objective of offensive maneuvers


Need for defensive tactics


Overall strategic objective


and many more factors not listed here



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